Pre-Purchase Exams
Information on our PPE process and selecting a local vet
Congratulations! If you are reading this, then you are probably considering purchasing one of our dressage horses for sale in Gilroy, California. If you have already come out for your test ride and you have fallen in love, it’s time for you to get the vet out for a pre-purchase exam. PPE’s can be stressful but rest assured that we have the process down to a science and we will do everything in our power to make it as easy as we can.
If you are purchasing a GEI owned horse, you can rest assured that we have already put that horse through a rigorous vetting process. We rely on a combination of vets that are local to where we found the horse and our own vets, to get the best recommendations before we purchase a horse for resale. If you are purchasing a sale barn horse, at a minimum, they come with a recent set of x-rays. Some sale barn horses will have completed a PPE prior to being consigned to our barn. This information will be released to you as part of your vetting process.
We are lucky to be in an area with access to some really wonderful, and highly educated vets. If you don’t have a particular vet that you want to use, we can help select a vet. We have been in this area long enough that we have worked with every vet, in some form or another. If you are concerned about conflicts of interest, we will always advise you on the extent of our relationship with the vet you choose. Our regular vet is Dr. Lauren Winfield, of Valley Equine Clinic and is unable to perform your PPE due to that conflict however, there are other excellent doctors at the same clinic who are available for PPE’s without a conflict. They have worked extensively with sport horses and have all the equipment necessary to perform a top-of-the-line pre-purchase exam, in the field.
We also have access to some of the world’s best specialists, for x-ray consultations and second opinions, should you need a referral. We are also close to Steinbeck Equine Clinic, with their walk in x-ray machine and diagnostic equipment.
Once you decide you want to go forward with a vet check, we will team up with you and your vets to get you the information you will need, to make an informed decision. We will send the x-rays to your regular vet and your PPE vet. If you are buying a GEI owned horse, you be given access to the horse’s medical history, as well. We know that most buyers want to be present for the vet-check but if you are not able, don’t worry. Allida attends all of the vet checks in person and will be happy to video flexion tests, and anything else that you would like. If you are using an off site clinic, we will work with you to get the horse transported.
Throughout the process, we will be ready to answer questions and provide information. We want you to feel safe and secure that you are getting the best horse for your goals!